Saving our clients 10-12% in year one
Employer Sponsored Healthcare
HR Systems
Data integrity with rightsized vendor solutions
Plan rightsizing and mitigating compliance risk
Retirement Plans
M&A/Transitional Services
Delivering successful Day-One of your HR Supply Chain
Eligibility Optimization
Saving hundreds of dollars per employee per year

Delivering HR Operational Efficiency Through Vendor Accountability

Optimatum is the leading vendor management firm for the HR Supply Chain. Since 2007, we deliver robust solutions in the areas of Employer Sponsored Healthcare, Retirement, HR Systems and M&A/Transitional Services.

Our end-to-end solutions improve financial and operational plan performance through forensic analysis, vendor realignment and ongoing vendor management.

Who We Serve


The second largest expenditure for most organizations is the cost of employee benefit plans. All companies, regardless of size or industry, need to control these costs.







The primary directives for Human Resources are to attract qualified applicants and retain valued employees. A competitive benefits package is crucial to achieving these objectives.






As a Sourcing executive, you are responsible for acquiring and managing the products and services that your company uses on a daily basis. Third parties administer these services little oversight.





Internal Audit

Internal Audit is about driving efficiency, effectiveness and compliance in the business. Applying vendor management principles to the HR Supply Chain will improve these metrics while simultaneously controlling the cost of employee benefits which is the second largest expense for many companies.


What We Do

We provide a full spectrum of services, ranging from comprehensive offerings to point solutions for the following workstreams: